Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012



Recently, the World Championships have been running, as such, streaming of these games have been streamed worldwide showing people worldwide the excitement of the game at the highest competitive level. Links have been hosted in on the homepage of League of Legends.

However, live streaming of games have not only been limited to these high level plays. people can also choose a game of their friends to watch. In order to prevent cheating, they have delayed streaming of games by several minutes.

Streaming Site -

Team Solo Mid

Team SoloMid

Team SoloMid is famous group in the Northern American region. They are individually known for each of their unique skill sets and strategies in Season and has combined to form a team to complete in season 2. They were one of the twelve teams which has raised to the final world tournament but was fallen short in the quarter finals. Even though they lost, their fans never stops cheering for the entertainment and show they displayed.

They have a website which dedicates to show guides, streams and merchandise - The team makes up of:
- AP Mid: Reginald
- Top: Dyrus
- Jungler: TheOddOne
- Ad Carry: Chaox
- Support: Xpecial

They have came a long way from Season 1 to advance into the World Finals and known to be one of the best teams around.

Game Terms and Abbreviations

Game Terms and Abbreviations

Communication allows better synergy within the team and is a game breaking factor. As such, typing a full sentence with correct grammar and spelling may take too much time, missing important events and wasting too much time. As a result, abbreviations have become an adapted concept of the game. The most common abbreviations include:

CC - Crowd Control
GG - Good Game
GLHF - Good Luck Have Fun
OP - Over Powered
AS - Attack Speed
AD - Attack Damage
AP - Ability Power
Mia - Missing in Action
Mid - middle lane
top - top lane
bot - bottom lane
Noob/scrub - a new person that doesn't really understand the game
CS - creep score

Summoner's Profile

Summoner's Profile

What exactly is a summoner?
A summoner is an avatar for the player, similar to a profile or record of the player.

Spells of a Summoner 
Each summoner the ability to use two different "Summoner Spells" that have a direct impact on the battle arena. An example of a spell is "Heal" where the summoner can use this spell to heal his character instantaneously. however, these spells can only be utlised once in a while after the "Cooldown" effect wears off. As the Summoner gains experience and levels, more spells become available to the summoner.



SivHD is Youtube channel - that dedicates his time in innovating unique and exciting guides for his viewers. He is very popular amongst the Reddit League of Legends for what he is implementing in the last couple of months and also the methods he uses to promote his ideals and builds. He would also stream for the community so his viewer is able to watch him play games where he able to try his unique strategies. One of the most recent videos he has posted is for the hero Xin Zhao which is played with a attack damage build. He implements that you can create a build where he would run as an ability power auto attackers which proves to be somewhat success. He also displays his guides in a different form than other individuals and from this particular one, he sings a song with the different items he buys.

Video here:

Riot Points

Riot Points

Even though League of Legends is a free game, they would also have products within the game that would cost money. They would give different purchase options for which amount you need and bonuses depending on the amount you spend. They would provide bundles for champions for beginners if they do not know which one they would like to play and would give various options and deals. They also have IP and experience gains per game if someone would like to earn more points or level faster when they play. Riot company in a profit sense, also tried to employ a visually more appealing experience for players as they features skins for champions. Each Champion would be given a default skin for free but if you would like a different version you can simply purchase the one you like. When new champions come out every two weeks, they would provide a discount for that particular bundle and enable discounts for their skins.

$5 - 650                                   
$10 - 1380
$20 - 2800
$35 - 5000
$50 - 7200
$100 - 15000