Thursday, October 11, 2012



Recently, the World Championships have been running, as such, streaming of these games have been streamed worldwide showing people worldwide the excitement of the game at the highest competitive level. Links have been hosted in on the homepage of League of Legends.

However, live streaming of games have not only been limited to these high level plays. people can also choose a game of their friends to watch. In order to prevent cheating, they have delayed streaming of games by several minutes.

Streaming Site -

Team Solo Mid

Team SoloMid

Team SoloMid is famous group in the Northern American region. They are individually known for each of their unique skill sets and strategies in Season and has combined to form a team to complete in season 2. They were one of the twelve teams which has raised to the final world tournament but was fallen short in the quarter finals. Even though they lost, their fans never stops cheering for the entertainment and show they displayed.

They have a website which dedicates to show guides, streams and merchandise - The team makes up of:
- AP Mid: Reginald
- Top: Dyrus
- Jungler: TheOddOne
- Ad Carry: Chaox
- Support: Xpecial

They have came a long way from Season 1 to advance into the World Finals and known to be one of the best teams around.

Game Terms and Abbreviations

Game Terms and Abbreviations

Communication allows better synergy within the team and is a game breaking factor. As such, typing a full sentence with correct grammar and spelling may take too much time, missing important events and wasting too much time. As a result, abbreviations have become an adapted concept of the game. The most common abbreviations include:

CC - Crowd Control
GG - Good Game
GLHF - Good Luck Have Fun
OP - Over Powered
AS - Attack Speed
AD - Attack Damage
AP - Ability Power
Mia - Missing in Action
Mid - middle lane
top - top lane
bot - bottom lane
Noob/scrub - a new person that doesn't really understand the game
CS - creep score

Summoner's Profile

Summoner's Profile

What exactly is a summoner?
A summoner is an avatar for the player, similar to a profile or record of the player.

Spells of a Summoner 
Each summoner the ability to use two different "Summoner Spells" that have a direct impact on the battle arena. An example of a spell is "Heal" where the summoner can use this spell to heal his character instantaneously. however, these spells can only be utlised once in a while after the "Cooldown" effect wears off. As the Summoner gains experience and levels, more spells become available to the summoner.



SivHD is Youtube channel - that dedicates his time in innovating unique and exciting guides for his viewers. He is very popular amongst the Reddit League of Legends for what he is implementing in the last couple of months and also the methods he uses to promote his ideals and builds. He would also stream for the community so his viewer is able to watch him play games where he able to try his unique strategies. One of the most recent videos he has posted is for the hero Xin Zhao which is played with a attack damage build. He implements that you can create a build where he would run as an ability power auto attackers which proves to be somewhat success. He also displays his guides in a different form than other individuals and from this particular one, he sings a song with the different items he buys.

Video here:

Riot Points

Riot Points

Even though League of Legends is a free game, they would also have products within the game that would cost money. They would give different purchase options for which amount you need and bonuses depending on the amount you spend. They would provide bundles for champions for beginners if they do not know which one they would like to play and would give various options and deals. They also have IP and experience gains per game if someone would like to earn more points or level faster when they play. Riot company in a profit sense, also tried to employ a visually more appealing experience for players as they features skins for champions. Each Champion would be given a default skin for free but if you would like a different version you can simply purchase the one you like. When new champions come out every two weeks, they would provide a discount for that particular bundle and enable discounts for their skins.

$5 - 650                                   
$10 - 1380
$20 - 2800
$35 - 5000
$50 - 7200
$100 - 15000

Favourite Champion - Nidalee the Bestial Huntress

Favourite Champion - Nidalee the Bestial Huntress

Nidalee can be played as a ability power mage or even am attack damage tank bruiser. The mechanics which she was implemented with is very different from other champions as she would be given 4 different abilities with an ultimate that would allow her to transform into a cougar and gain 3 addition skills. She is a mobile champions which excels at controlling the jungle with her increased movement speed in brushes. The reason why Nidalee is my favourite hero, is her ability to be different compared to other champions.

Passive: Prowl - Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 15%. The buff lasts for an additional 2 seconds after leaving brush.
Javelin Toss - Nidalee tosses her javelin, dealing magic damage on impact that increases depending on the distance between Nidalee and the target at the time it is hit. The multiplier caps at 2.5.
Takedown - Nidalee's next attack will be enhanced to deal additional physical damage plus increased damage based on how low her opponents health is to a maximum of 300% physical damage.
Bushwhack - Nidalee lays a trap that deals magic damage over 2 seconds when sprung by an enemy, revealing them and reducing their armor and magic resistance for 12 seconds. Traps last for 4 minutes.
Pounce - Nidalee lunges forward, dealing magic damage to enemies around her landing area.
Primal Surge - Nidalee heals an ally champion and grants them bonus attack speed for 7 seconds.
Swipe - Nidalee claws at enemies in a cone in front of her, dealing magic damage.
Aspect of the Cougar - Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar, and in the process gaining a new set of abilities, bonus armor, magic resistance and 20 movement speed. Nidalee loses 425 range while using this ability.

Chat Commands

 Chat Commands

During the game, players have the ability to change the interaction of the in-game chatting system. These commands simply work through typing a small command and allows to talk to other summoners that may not be in the same game. 
Commands include:
  • /mute - will allow the player to block all incoming messages/texts from other players during the game.
  • /ignore - will completely mute the chosen player from any form of communication in any sessions that may follow
  • /d - will make the character in game DANCE!
  • /j - will make the character make reference to a joke
  • /t - will make the character perform a taunt within the game
  • /w "character name" - will allow texts to only be shown to a particular chosen player.
  • /r - allows respond to a whisper



Due to a popular demand back when the game was still new, player's of the game requested more versatility in terms of how their champions could be altered to the player's playing style. In response to these demands, Riot has created a system whereby, customisation could take place leading to variations and uniqueness to each player's liking. This has lead to their idea of Runes and Masteries pages. Runes are ranked in three different tiers, with tier one being the least desired and easiest to obtain. Players can all gain accessibility to these runes through meeting level requirements in summoner profiles, however, they will also need Influence Points (IP) to obtain these runes through the store within the game. Tier one runes can be accessed at any level of the summoner's profile while tiers two and three require levels 10 and 20 respectively before they become accessible to the summoner. The other customisation aspect is the masteries page. The masteries page as accessible as the summoner gains levels and do not require the spending of any currency of the game.

An example of Masteries page:



They have a system for players where they would be rated in their games if they choose that mode. They vary from 3's and 5's team play depending on what your preferences are. From each level of rating, it would display different symbols or badges which can immediately show your rank. The cut line for each division is different from bronze to diamond. Previously, this highest was platinum but was changed from the increasing amount of individuals in season 2. From this aspect, the requirement for each division is also changing. Right now, everyone begins with bronze, next is silver which begins at 1150, followed by gold at 1500 and platinum at 1850. For individuals that achieve 2200, they would get the highest badge of diamond on their display profile. Most individuals do not play ranked but if they do, they may receive some rewards at the end of the season if they have achieved a certain level. 

New Champion Spotlight - Kha'Zix

New Champion Spotlight - Kha'Zix

In League of Legends, they would release a new hero every 2 weeks with new skills and mechanics to enhance the gaming experience for players, this weeks new hero features Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver. He was designed by Riot with new mechanics that has evolving skills when he reaches certain levels of 6, 11 and 16. He also has a hidden passive which allows him to evolve a 4th time if he finishes a certain quest. He is equipped with the the abilities of an assassin that enables him to kill predators upon sight.

Each hero would be enlisted with 4 unique skills and 1 passive which helps the champion level in the Field of Justice. 

Skill Set:
Unseen Threat (Passive): When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal bonus magic damage and slow.
Taste Their Fear: Deal physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased. Kha'Zix passively marks enemies that are isolated from nearby allies.
Evolving claws increases damage to isolated targets even further. Kha'Zix also gains increased range on both Taste Their Fear and his basic attack.
Void Spike: Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed if he is within the explosion radius.
Evolving spike racks causes Void Spike to fire three projectiles in a cone. Spikes will also apply Unseen Threat to all enemies caught within the area of effect.
Leap: Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area he lands.
Evolving wings increases Leap's range dramatically and causes a kill or assists to refresh the cooldown of Leap.
Void Assault: Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his active abilities, granting it an additional effect. Upon activation, Kha'Zix enters stealth and gains Unseen Threat, increasing Movement Speed. Kha’zix can cast Void Assault again for a short time after activation.
Evolving active camouflage allows Kha’Zix to cast Void Assault three times over the course of its duration and reduces any damage he sustains while in stealth.

Map - The Proving Grounds

 Map - The Proving Grounds

Riot has designed this extension map for a more casual experience in the league community. The purpose of this map is significantly similar but is played differently with other objectives. Instead of choosing what hero you would want to play, you would be given a random champion and would be forced to go middle lane. They call this ARAM which stands for all random all middle, the ideal of this is to have a fun game where people would constantly run into each other with kills and assist to make a more interesting match. It is a relaxing game that lasts around 15 to 20 minutes unlike the normal summoners rift which can be around 35 to 45 minutes. The battles would progress well due to the fact that you are unable to return back to spawn location once you have left, this would mean healing to full health is simply not an option unlike the normal map. To receive health back, you simply have to regenerate over time or pick up health runes which spawn every 40 seconds. 

The Proving Grounds

Map - Field of Justice

Map - Field of Justice

Champions would compete against each other on the map called the "Field of Justice". This would be an area that is split into 3 different lanes and a jungle for different heroes with their own characters and traits to fulfil their particular job. Most of the time we would have a jungler that roams the jungle and an ability power caster in the middle lane with a tank bruiser top. This hopes to achieve each roles given goals as depending on the area of the map, their are different objectives for the team. In the bottom lane, their would be two heroes, one would be a high damage dealer which is looked after by a supportive hero to assist or help them receive experience and gold. Within the middle left of the map, their is a giant boss which is named "Baron Nashor" and for the team which is capable of killing this objective would be given addition health and damage to the for a short duration of time. In the middle right, the objective to defend is the dragon, to the team that destroys this monster would be rewarded bonus gold to each player. Having vision on the map is a crucial factor to this game as it will enable the team on the whereabouts of your enemies and what they may be up to. For this issue, you can able to buy vision wards to place around the map to see where your opponents are.

Summoner's Rift

League of Legends

League of Legends

League of Legends is a free online team based, real time strategy game which the concept of victory goes to the team which is capable to destroying the enemy nexus first. This addictive game was created by RIOT company 2 years ago and is still advancing in a competitive level. Within the competitive scene, they have strived to improve multiple aspects to enhance the gaming experience for players playing as well as individuals watching at home. They have allowed free streaming in high definition quality all over the world and a prize pool of 2 million dollars to the winning teams in the final brackets. For users on a friendly gaming level, they would offer free champions every week which they are allowed to try and test out their enjoyment. They continue to innovate the gaming environment by releasing new heroes and champions every two weeks with new mechanics and skills. They would describe the aspect of "Metagame" on how players and teams choose to play the game with their own strategies and plans. Riot has created a ranking system where it would allow players to compete against each other for rank statistics of their skills level where the higher the better. A friendly environment is created from the interactions between the creators and players as weekly guides and daily news would be provided on the website - League of Legends has been proven to be a successful game which Riot has implemented from the increasing amount of individuals playing as well as streaming online. They are also finding new ways to attract more individuals in the future by listening to the current players.


Home - Mistakes

The Awesome Train - League of Legends

We blog about League of Legends and League of Legends only (and also problems which occur). It was only recently that our group noticed that we had a to post on Blogger than Wikispace. Now we have to repost everything. Our failed attempt -
Twitter -

Our members:

Aaron Chui
Trevor Li
Brendan Ao